Gordon Rajendram the soil scientist

June 2021

Media Coverage

Reducing phosphorus leaching in soil Phosphorus (P) is critical for healthy plants to grow in New Zealand’s naturally P deficient soil, says Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram. Reduce Nitrogen, Phosphate Use Without Compromising Pasture & Milk Production With NZ’s Leading Expert In Soil Fertility Developed from proven science, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD), shows how one farm improved plant nutrient uptake, pasture production, milk production, root growth, earthworm and increased water holding capacity through soil, pasture and clover only testing followed up by sound agronomic advice. New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD) launched a new video about the overuse of phosphate on New Zealand farms. Hamilton-based expert Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram has just launched a new video based on his educational talks at the Fertco Workshop.This address was about the benefits, slow release fertilisers, fine particle fertiliser and the overuse of phosphate. Leading Farming and Soil Nutrition Company Uptake eading Farming and Soil Nutrition Company Uptake New Zealand Provide A Healthy And Sustainable Answer To Agricultural Environmental Woes Dairy News 2 February 2021  

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The Soil Scientist Gordon Rajendram (PhD) is serious about soil.

Farmers, do you know what is going on with your soil? Soil testing and sampling is the most crucial step in nutrient management to get the correct soil and mineral balance that grows healthy pasture, crops and animals. Offering reliable and dependable advice, Soil Scientist Gordon Rajendram (PhD)  is committed to helping New Zealand farmers get the most out of their soil so that their farm can work more efficiently, be more sustainable while increasing the farm profitability. It’s all about making the farmers’ life easier. With BSc, MSc and a PhD to his name, Gordon is one of the leading experts on laboratory measurement techniques for chemical, biological and physical properties in materials. Gordon is independent which means he can offer you the correct and unbiased advice that will best serve your needs. Gordon is also not linked with any fertiliser brand, so you know that you are getting specialist and independent advice. Putting fertiliser on your soil without knowing the exact nutrient balance needed will lead to over-fertilisation. Testing your soil, pasture or herbage, and specific plants such as clover, before fertilisation, find out what elements are needed. If you don’t test you are doing a disservice to your business. Helping to demystify the science around soil, Gordon can start you on your journey to getting an accurate read on what elements are needed in your soil. In fact, there are 13 elements were needed for plant growth, not just nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Soil testing can help you more successfully use plant nutrients and reduce the leaching or runoff into waterways. Having professional soil testing done has a variety of benefits that help farmers get the most out of their farm. One of the more major benefits is that it can help increase yields and profitability by providing needed nutrients for the crop. After all a healthy soil enriches crop growth and makes individual plants more competitive with weeds. This in turn will help ease other management practices such as spraying, simplifying crop harvesting and drying and improving market quality. Contact Gordon: Email: rajendram@xtra.co.nz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GordonRajendramSoilScientist Website: http://dev.gordonrajendramsoilscientist.co.nz

The Soil Scientist Gordon Rajendram (PhD) is serious about soil. Read More »

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