Gordon Rajendram the soil scientist

September 2020

Essential micronutrients needed for plant and animal health with New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD).

More than nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, there are 13 elements were needed for plant growth says Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). As an expert in all things soil, Gordon wants to showcase these unsung heroes, cobalt, selenium and iodine and how they are essential for animal health and nutrition. Known as an essential micronutrient, cobalt contributes a lot to soil organisms, plant performance and healthy animals. Cobalt is a key component of Vitamin B12 and propionate. Propionate is one of the main sources of energy which a plant uses to grow. Vitamin B12 is critical for cell division, which in turn plays an important part in plant growth because it provides more cells for the plant to grow in a healthy manner. Cobalt also helps with the nitrogen-fixing ability of legumes in the plant and can aid in the efficiency of ruminal digestion. “In particular, lambs have a high requirement for cobalt, followed by calves, adult sheep and adult cattle. Young animals are more likely to be affected by cobalt deficiency than fully-grown animals, so it’s important to watch out for,” comments Gordon. Selenium plays an important role in milk production, disease resistance, placental shedding, stock reproduction, calf viability and immunity. “Selenium is vital for cows and ewes from before mating to the end of the gestation period,” advises Gordon. By testing and treating the soil for selenium, instead of the animal, a reduction in cases of selenium deficiency in animals can be gained. Treating the soil for selenium deficiency will also work out a lot cheaper than treating individual animals. Iodine is needed for energy metabolism. milk production, protein synthesis and reproduction “We have seen that the uptake of iodine by pasture can be quite low,” says Gordon. Moreover, iodine is also easily leached during wet weather. Iodine is also an important player in immune system functions, such as sending immune cells to the site of injury and bacteria-killing ability. Soil testing can recognise deficiencies in the soil, such as Iodine, so it can be rectified quickly. About The Soil Scientist Gordon is dedicated to helping all farmers get most out of their soil so that their farm can work more efficiently, be sustainable while improving the farm profitability. Contact Gordon: Email: rajendram@xtra.co.nz Phone: 021 466 077 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GordonRajendramSoilScientist Website: http://dev.gordonrajendramsoilscientist.co.nz LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-soil-scientist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesoilscientistnz/ Contact MediaPA: Phone: 0274 587 724 Email: phillip@mediapa.co.nz Website: www.mediapa.co.nz Facebook: www.facebook.com/MediaPA YouTube: www.youtube.com

Essential micronutrients needed for plant and animal health with New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Read More »

Healthy soil improves crop growth says New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD).

Knowing the nutrient profile of your soil can improve the yield of your crop, storage characteristics and plant vigour says Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Ideal for vineyards, orchards and more, horticulture soil testing is done to get an accurate read on the soil quality and nutrient levels. “This supports monitoring fertiliser programmes and helps to recognizing nutrient deficiency or toxicity,” says Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Ideally soil testing should be completed at the time of establishment, so the correct fertilizer and lime treatment can be applied before planting.  However, it’s not too late for already established orchards and vineyards.  “Soil testing and sampling works best when used in conjunction with plant testing for correct nutrient management,” advises Gordon. Soil testing can show you the soil nutrient levels in your soil are high enough to sustain excellent level of plant growth. Through soil testing you can also monitor soil pH and organic matter. It can also help with uniform crop growth, which makes individual plants more competitive with weeds which makes practices such as spraying, simplifying crop harvesting and drying and improving market quality easier. If you have poor plant growth, little response from the use of fertilizers, difficult weeds, low crop yields, poor quality forages, irregular plant growth in your fields, soil testing can help you discover exactly what is causing these issues and the best ways to correct them. “Soil testing gives you the potential for higher yielding crops, better quality crops and more effective and resourceful fertilizer use,” adds Gordon. Looking for a better and more efficient way to meet your crop needs and yield goals? Then get The Soil Scientist on the case! Gordon can help all farmers get independent advice to they can get the most out of their soil so that their farm can work more efficiently, be sustainable while improving the farm profitability. Contact Gordon: Email: rajendram@xtra.co.nz Phone: 021 466 077 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GordonRajendramSoilScientist Website: http://dev.gordonrajendramsoilscientist.co.nz LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-soil-scientist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesoilscientistnz/ Contact MediaPA: Phone: 0274 587 724 Email: phillip@mediapa.co.nz Website: www.mediapa.co.nz Facebook: www.facebook.com/MediaPA YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TheMediaPA

Healthy soil improves crop growth says New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Read More »

Why you should always test your soil first with New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD).

Take the guesswork out of nutrient management by making soil testing your first step in your annual fertiliser applications says soils says Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Soil testing gives you an accurate measurement of the nutrient status of soil for your farm. “From large scale operations to lifestyle blocks, having a clear understanding of the soil nutrient status is important no matter what type of farm you have,” says Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Not only can soil testing improve pasture production, but it can also cut fertiliser costs. But with utilising the results from soil testing you can know what nutrients to apply and where. This will help avoid oversaturation with wasted fertiliser. “With soil testing, you are maximising your fertiliser dollar,” adds Gordon. Animals need a balanced diet to stay healthy. A balance of essential elements, such as copper, zinc, selenium, sodium and others, is key to sustaining an animal’s healthy diet, promoting strength and size and helping the animals fight off sickness and decreasing stress levels. Soil testing will inform you exactly what elements are needed to keep your stock happy and healthy. Not only should soil testing be your first step when planning your fertiliser application, but should be in your calendar to repeat regularly. “Analysing trends in soil test over time will give you a better suggestion of how well your fertiliser management programme has performed,” advises Gordon. “To put it simply, if you don’t test you cannot manage the soil and Leaf analysis or ensure the adequate nutrients for growth,” says Gordon. Gordon Rajendram has more than 34 years of experience in Agricultural and analytical testing development and research. About The Soil Scientist Gordon is dedicated to helping all farmers get most out of their soil so that their farm can work more efficiently, be sustainable while improving the farm profitability. Contact Gordon: Email: rajendram@xtra.co.nz Phone: 021 466 077 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GordonRajendramSoilScientist Website: http://dev.gordonrajendramsoilscientist.co.nz LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-soil-scientist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesoilscientistnz/ Contact MediaPA: Phone: 0274 587 724 Email: phillip@mediapa.co.nz Website: www.mediapa.co.nz Facebook: www.facebook.com/MediaPA YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TheMediaPA

Why you should always test your soil first with New Zealand’s leading expert in soil fertility, Hamilton-based Soil Scientist Dr Gordon Rajendram (PhD). Read More »

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